7.17 Experience Dongping DH Palace


    Since I saw the name of the left desert wind sand, I posted a post, and I have been enjoying the information of the LY in the group, and I have contributed to it. In fact, I have to pay attention to it. Write a book about your own rubber, I will try to be as detailed as possible, if you think that I am selling advertisements halfway, turn off the left. The writing is limited, and the crimes are forgiven. Time: 7.17 3:00PM Location: Dongping DH Palace JS number: only two shifts, day 13:00~21:00 - 7-9 people, night 21:00~06:00 - 30+. You are wrong. According to the minister, the minister started from 9:00 in the evening. Price: Chinese 178 (FJ), European 268 (KJ, blowing without explosion), Japanese 298 (DL, MY, KB), Phoenix 418 (double flying), +10 mosquito clothes + 10 mosquito brothers, there are counts of their own JS Way: Than the phone BZ, say your favorite type, the channel number you know, go to the front desk number. Personnel attitude: all praises    The first time I went to DH Palace, before the home field YQ, LTL, and went to ZYT, but recently the wind and rain were heavy, the ticket was expensive, and the audience was stunned. In the past few days, a few people have greatly encapsulated their rubber. I feel that they are not far from the housing estates.     First of all, the environment, the rest area is indeed much brighter than the old one, the bathing area is the peak period, it is darker. The room is large, even if the lights can be picked up by 6 people.     Closer to home, the first time I went, I know that I mentioned that I asked the BZ to take the number, and I went to the front desk with the right 999, according to the previous LY recommendation point 105, no, then ***, there! A heart is happy, and I am in the shower. After the rushing to the cold, the minister greeted him and asked me if I had a JS. I had a ***, and the minister immediately hesitated to the left. I couldn’t help but panic. The old L, BZ knows both about it. Asked if you have a change? BZ words about left to change, hehe... on the clock!     Into the room, JS has been tied, etc., a heavyweight in the dark to kill Nie, I say hello, scare me, height 155, weight 120, bust 38D, age visual 30+ (can not help dark F* *K LY has a thousand messages, but each flower is in every eye, and the blame is done.) When you come, you are safe, the service is a d, and the attitude is very good, but feel it, I imagine that a big sow arch feels both, it is painful. Mi buried my eyes when Lin Zhiling helped me FW, *** Zhongkai continued, oh...    After the trip, BZ first talked about JS method, then the white class is a slap, the other is good after the prostitute And *** only do white shifts. And the dial 105 is also a strong type of 噶, I will definitely have dLY really like the taste of both, blame. BZ words next time, must compensate for a satisfactory.     After the purchase of a single person, from the top of the attitude are good, basically the mood is happy, except for the most important part of the left. The number, the evil is not only visible, but the broken life system is good, but the system is based on the majority of LY interests.