ASST high face value long legs JS recommended! Attached numb


Location: ASST
Address: Haizhu District
Consumption: 369

I have been busy for a while, and after dinner with a few friends, I will take a look at the time of about 8 o'clock. Then I decided to go to ASST with 3 friends. After everyone decided, I will make an appointment for JS. I tried 58. Because all aspects are good, I plan to make another appointment this time. Go, report the mantissa, take the hand, then change clothes and go to the hall, and board for 20 minutes. 58 tells me that I can go to the clock, then I will find the director to arrange the clock, come to the door, look, 58 Already waiting for me at the house, seeing her long legs, my brother can't help but harden. BL lay down first, 58 just rushed to me, said that I was on time, then I touched JJ from time to time, and continued to say teasing words, getting my brother almost out of the water.

Probably 10 minutes later, I started to serve. The first thing I did was botui. The Bobo of 58 probably has B. It’s not too big. It’s just good for me. When I’m BT, I’m still licking my ears. I have itchy body, here is the focus on the 58-inch ear is really high, it is simply a BUG, ​​let you have the feeling of wanting to die, go to the Bt field is to enjoy these high-quality services. After 58BT is the DL service, DL is using the real tongue, and not just squatting twice, the time is long and the tongue stretches deep and deep. After the DL finished, I licked the egg and it felt pretty good. Then JS made me raise my legs and directly into my KJ between my legs. Next is KJ in various poses, I am standing, standing, Lying down (when I was lying down, I was given a three-turn helicopter rotation, which was 3 turns when I was in Kj). When I was in Kj, I didn’t have a sense of teeth.

I liked it. BL is sensitive. It takes a few minutes to get out of the water. After the water, 58 contains warm water to help me clean the DD. Then she went out for 5 minutes to brush her teeth and went back and said that I would take off again. I didn't hesitate. The DD was also very strong that day. It was hard to serve for a few minutes, then I helped the FJ, and after 10 minutes, the second time. That feels great. Summary: This ASST service is still quite satisfactory. No. 58 service is in place, the face value can be ranked first and second in ASST, the body is also tall, and BoBo has B cup. And it is still Cantonese, can communicate in Cantonese, more talkative. There are contact information. When you go, make an appointment in advance. The price is 369. The location is at the Exit B of Nanzhou Metro.