Let the city be more friendly to the car


Recently, People's Daily Online Data Center announced the "2018 China's 25 key cities in the network about car tolerance." According to the local network car policy, the number of platforms, the degree of public opinion recognition, etc., the rankings are comprehensively evaluated. The Chengdu, Sanya and Wuxi network cars are ranked as the top three in terms of “tolerance ranking” because the “threshold” is relatively loose. Qingdao, Chongqing and Dalian are more stringent.

In July 2016, the State Council promulgated the “Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry”, which enabled the controversial network car to obtain legal status. After two years of policy landing and running-in, the network car is gradually becoming an important part of public transportation from “destroying innovators”, and the functional departments are also shifting from emergency management to daily management. A fairer access to the car, more realistic management measures in line with the market, and the principle of equality as equal.

Judging from this inclusive ranking, Sanya and Wuxi do not have any wheelbase or displacement requirements for the network car, only local licenses, local household registration or residence permits, etc.; low. However, some cities have set stricter household registration, license, price, displacement, wheelbase, and vehicle requirements for the network. The final ranking of Qingdao has set a minimum requirement, and even the overall fuel consumption of the car. Also accepted as an access standard.

"One city, one policy" is the basic framework of China's network car policy, but you also have to ask: The high-standard large-displacement, large-wheelbase network car that was originally set up is serving the public in reality, or Only exist in the file?

Gordon Turlock, the father of public choice theory, has devoted himself to the consequences of regulatory policies. Once regulation has created a scarcity, it is difficult to eliminate this scarcity, and even worse, because of inappropriate scarcity. Existence, resulting in a lack of flexibility in supply prices, market participants (whether consumers, or businesses) who can not get this profit. After two years of full legalization of China's network car, after the implementation of the network car standard in 210 cities in China, what is the original intention of these distances and displacement standards set at the beginning of the re-establishment? At the original goal, did anyone create unreasonable "scarcity," and the existence of those high thresholds did not hinder the efficiency of the market.

Some scholars have made a PMC (Policy Modeling Consistency) "index model" analysis on the network car policy of major cities. It is found that the regulation of the network car policy and the regulatory effect are constrained by the traffic congestion index and population density. In other words, if the regulatory power is too strong, it may cause traffic congestion and inconvenience to the citizens.

Therefore, the managers of many cities in the moment have a clearer and more precise grasp of the barriers to entry for the network, and have fine-tuned the threshold before. For example, in March of this year, Zhejiang Hangzhou relaxed the network. In the vehicle management implementation rules, the driver's access conditions are no longer specified for the duration of the residence permit, as long as there is a residence permit; in May, the network car policy issued by Xi'an in Shaanxi also canceled the comments on the draft. The wheelbase of the vehicle is more than 2,700 mm, and the vehicle size is 4,050×1810×1,450 mm or more. In addition, cities such as Quanzhou in Fujian and Lanzhou in Gansu Province have also reduced the barriers to entry for vehicles.

From another point of view, since the network of cars and taxis are integrated into the urban public transport system, the government departments must provide equal access to public services and friendly access.

The new industrial model has a process for urban managers to adapt from acceptance to learning. The "Provisional Regulations on Express Delivery" implemented in May this year is the same as the guarantees for the land for express delivery and the right of express delivery. Nowadays, the car has become an integral part of urban transportation. They are all providing public transport services to the public, and public services cannot be compared to each other. There are taxi parking spaces at the airport, train station and dock. There should also be corresponding parking spaces and passages for the network. At the beginning of this year, Hangzhou Railway Station has drawn a 240-square-meter "customer-only area for the network of vehicles." This kind of supporting service is also a city-to-network car-tolerant and friendly performance.

The door to the legalization of the network car has been opened for 2 years. It is already an important part of the city bus, and it is impossible to return to the “pre-network car era”. Therefore, it should enter the daily management system of urban public transportation. Management is not to limit it, but to improve the standard level and make it better serve the public.